Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Struggle PT.2

Hey hey its me again ahaha well i don't think the situation has gotten better because my dad talked to my teacher but still i'm kind of relieved. Just even talking to him while holding on to a secret is actually really tiring. I could barely wake up today because of there so many things so little time. I guess i haven't been able to fully conquer this thing but its been slowly getting easier. Do i struggle yeah i do plenty never expected it to be like this well i never expected any of this but its alright. I just have to keep moving forward and stop myself from deciding to turn the other way a bit like how i played badminton last Sunday. When playing in the front u constantly have to look forward the minute u look back they other side is given a chance to score and i kept looking back. Why? there are some things that are still hard to let go that u hold them by a couple loose threads and somethings they can tangle you up and mess up your pace of growing spiritually with God. I guess God has given me so many tools to use good ones and bad ones just this time i picked to use one that wasn't so great. I still have lots to learn about making decisions but i think at the rate that i'm growing at its not bad i'm not making unforgivable mistakes just some minor ones that tweak me into place after all God isn't done with me yet i'm a work in progress thanks for your prayer =d and if u guys have any that u want me to pray for u guys just post =]

God's New Child,
Andrew Lai

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey... dont stress x] i know somewhat of how you're feeling... about the lying and the being tired and just not wanting to have to deal with it... but keep in mind taht we all have to go through trials, and of course its not gonna be easy. but God won't give us more than we can take, right? so we can go through this together. :]
and stay strong, keep trusting and depending on Him and everything will work out sooner or later... :]
of course satan won't make it any easier, because he obviously doesnt want anyone to get any closer to God; he wants us all to stay away from Him, but He's all that we really need. So just keep your eyes fixed on God, and we'll make it through times like these ;]
im here for ya~

<3 in Christ,