Monday, April 20, 2009

Christ in my Life and How I Came to Be Christian

Hey, I decided I should share a bit about myself and how i came to where i am now. I was born a Catholic and raised in a Catholic school i never really accepted Christ back there it was more like when i die I'll be saved by him cause i know who he is. It never really affected me in anyway because life seemed okay for me. I lived for the moment and as long as i was happy it was fine. Then as life went on to high school everything started crashing on me. I realized lying was an easy way out and i could get out of everything doing it. I could have fun spend time with friends and be whatever I wanted to be for that time being. Thank God i have such caring parents that always came down on me with everything i do. If there weren't there i probably wouldn't have made it through even grade 9 passing any courses. The painful truth remained my inability to control myself. My parents set restrictions but i broke them again and again. Sadly i didn't know my actions were tearing my family apart. In grade 11 i began to see a social worker and to find the problem that laid within me. Of course, I knew what was wrong but i refused to believe it was the real problem. i blamed everything on my parents with how my life is and how i am. In the middle of my grade 11 year I became disappointed in what I've become. My dad told me go to Teens Conference and it will change your life and who you are if you are willing to take the chance. I made that decision and took that chance. It became the turning point of my life. I slowly was guided by God to a Church and went to their fellowship. I met many great people there and had a lot of fun. It wasn't enough though i was still the same liar i was before all this. Just this last winter 08 where i spilled everything to my pastor. From that moment i began my fight to change and many things have happened but i'm still fighting the battle against the liar in me. It's hard at times but i know if i rely on God and my friends my load will be light and i have officially been baptized and now I'm no longer the false believer that i was before but finally a true follower of Christ a true Christian.

God's New Child,
Andrew Lai

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